
Bower is growing — join us!

Over the past month, Bower has seen 88 commits, 75 closed issues, 34 wiki edits and 2 releases from 27 contributors spread across 15 timezones. Amazing.

But here’s the really impressive part: Nearly all those contributors had never touched Bower’s codebase until just a few weeks ago when Adam and Dave asked for help. Developers eagerly responded and immediately began triaging issues, writing documentation and fixing bugs. Not only is Bower now more stable and feature-rich, it now has a community supporting it.

As with many open source projects, we’re fortunate to be standing on the shoulders of giants. Bower was handcrafted by some incredibly talented developers. As the project moves forward, it’s exciting to know the number of contributors will continue to grow.

Today we’re releasing v1.7.0 which includes fixes and enhancements that have been on Bower’s radar for years.

Want to get involved? Start by filling out this form.

Then check out the contributing guide and join us on Discord. Two great ways to introduce yourself to the codebase, are to review a pull request or write some tests. Our code coverage isn’t perfect, but it can improve with your help. Want to support Bower but don’t have a lot of time? Help us pay for development and hosting.

Bower offers a clean, unopinionated solution to front-end package management and thanks to people like you it’s only going to get better.