Name | Owner | Stars |
jquery-uihttp://jqueryui.comShim repository for jQuery UI. Owner: components Stars: 167 |
components | 167 |
jquery-ui-month-picker UI Month Picker plugin Owner: KidSysco Stars: 162 |
KidSysco | 162 |
jquery-ui-slider-pips plugin to add little "pips" to the jQuery UI Slider widget Owner: simeydotme Stars: 496 |
simeydotme | 496 |
textpattern-jquery-ui-themeThe jQuery UI theme used within the Textpattern CMS admin-side. Owner: textpattern Stars: 12 |
textpattern | 12 |
addyosmani-jquery-ui-bootstrap jQuery UI theme based on Twitter Bootstrap Owner: addyosmani Stars: 5475 |
addyosmani | 5475 |
jquery-ui-mapGoogle maps v3 plugin for jQuery and jQuery Mobile Owner: somecallmechief Stars: 4 |
somecallmechief | 4 |
jquery-ui-multidatespicker to the jQuery UI Calendar allowing multiple selections Owner: dubrox Stars: 269 |
dubrox | 269 |
jquery-ui-boostrap jQuery UI theme based on Twitter Bootstrap Owner: addyosmani Stars: 5475 |
addyosmani | 5475 |
jquery-ui-rotatable a small handle to an HTML element to allow it to be rotated Owner: godswearhats Stars: 129 |
godswearhats | 129 |
jquery-ui-min Owner: tylerlong Stars: 0 |
tylerlong | 0 |
jquery-ui-touch-punch-improved Event Support for jQuery UI Owner: Bantam Stars: 11 |
Bantam | 11 |
jquery-ui-tooltip tooltip which can be installed via bower Owner: fagbokforlaget Stars: 0 |
fagbokforlaget | 0 |
jquery-ui-multiselect-widgetjQuery UI MultiSelect widget Owner: ehynds Stars: 1365 |
ehynds | 1365 |
tc-jquery-ui official jQuery user interface library. Owner: YevheniiPuzyrenko Stars: 0 |
YevheniiPuzyrenko | 0 |
jquery-ui-pinpad interactive Pinpad widget for point of sale (POS) or encrypted pinpad (EPP) simulation Owner: yannickebongue Stars: 2 |
yannickebongue | 2 |
jquery-ui-daterangepicker UI widget similar to the date range picker used in Google Analytics; supports multiple months, custom preset ranges and smart positioning; ThemeRoller-ready and mobile-friendly. Owner: tamble Stars: 179 |
tamble | 179 |
jquery-bootstrap-theme jQuery UI theme based on Twitter Bootstrap Owner: jquery-ui-bootstrap Stars: 5475 |
jquery-ui-bootstrap | 5475 |
jquery-ui-sassjQuery UI stylesheets packed as Sass files for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline Owner: jhilden Stars: 45 |
jhilden | 45 |
jquery-django-messages-ui client-side messages plugin, with support for Django contrib.messages app Owner: jgerigmeyer Stars: 31 |
jgerigmeyer | 31 |
jquery-ui.autocomplete standalone build of jQuery UI Autocomplete Owner: xemlock Stars: 0 |
xemlock | 0 |
jquery-ui-draggable build of jquery-ui(including only draggable component). Owner: Kiri-rin Stars: 1 |
Kiri-rin | 1 |
jquery-ui-widget jQuery UI Widget Factory is an extensible base on which all of jQuery UI's widgets are built. Owner: aleksandrs-ledovskis Stars: 0 |
aleksandrs-ledovskis | 0 |
jquery-ui-import jquery ui widget,components and interactions using html imports Owner: ellipticaljs Stars: 0 |
ellipticaljs | 0 |
jquery-ui-sortable-animation UI sortable animation Owner: egych Stars: 17 |
egych | 17 |
jquery-ui-datepicker-smooth version of jQuery DatePicker with Slider Owner: Aproducktion Stars: 0 |
Aproducktion | 0 |
ui-contextmenuTurn a jQuery UI Menu widget into a contextmenu. Owner: mar10 Stars: 179 |
mar10 | 179 |
jquery-ui.combobox UI widget to improve usability of selects with filter input Owner: asleepwalker Stars: 4 |
asleepwalker | 4 |
jquery-ui.accordion.multiple UI plugin for Accordion Widget that allows open few panels at the same time Owner: asleepwalker Stars: 5 |
asleepwalker | 5 |
ovh-angular-jquery-ui-droppableAngular directove to wrap jqueri ui droppable module Owner: ovh-ux Stars: 0 |
ovh-ux | 0 |
jquery-weui由于前端业界早已以React/Vue/Angular为主,个人也多年未使用过jQuery,此仓库已不再维护。推荐大家尽快转向 AntD、Element等更先进的UI库,, Owner: lihongxun945 Stars: 4453 |
lihongxun945 | 4453 |