Name | Owner | Stars |
breeze-client is a JavaScript library that helps you manage data in rich client applications. If you store data in a database, query and save those data as complex object graphs, and share these graphs across multiple screens of your JavaScript client, Breeze is Owner: Breeze Stars: 5 |
Breeze | 5 |
breeze-client-labs Labs is a collection of JavaScript libraries that assist development of Breeze-based applications. They are not part of breeze core. They are often experimental. We (IdeaBlade) offer them to you *as is* with no promise of support and they have a higher risk of breaking changes. Please visit the Breeze Labs github for details. Owner: Breeze Stars: 44 |
Breeze | 44 |
bower-breeze-angular client-side library for consumption by bower. Using ng.IPromise instead of Q.Promise. Owner: eggers Stars: 2 |
eggers | 2 |
bower-breeze client-side library for consumption by bower Owner: chiefy Stars: 0 |
chiefy | 0 |
breeze.js.labsBreeze.js Labs are extensions and utilities for Breeze.js client apps that are not part of core breeze. Owner: chiefy Stars: 0 |
chiefy | 0 |