Name | Owner | Stars |
ember-data-model-fragmentsEmber Data addon to support nested JSON documents Owner: lytics Stars: 369 |
lytics | 369 |
ember-dataShim repository for EmberJS's Data component. Owner: components Stars: 15 |
components | 15 |
ember-data-sails-adapterAn Ember data adaptor for the Sails.js sockets Owner: bmac Stars: 90 |
bmac | 90 |
ember-data.model-fragmentsEmber Data addon to support nested JSON documents Owner: lytics Stars: 369 |
lytics | 369 |
ember-data-factory-guyFactory for testing Ember application using Ember Data Owner: danielspaniel Stars: 301 |
danielspaniel | 301 |
ember-data-shimShim repository for EmberJS's Data component. Owner: components Stars: 15 |
components | 15 |
ember-data-tastypie-adapterAn adapter to connect django applications powered by django-tastypie with ember.js apps Owner: escalant3 Stars: 110 |
escalant3 | 110 |
ember-data-django-rest-adapter ember-data adapter for django web applications powered by the django-rest-framework Owner: toranb Stars: 167 |
toranb | 167 |
ember-data-factory teddyzeenny Stars: 92 |
teddyzeenny | 92 |
ember-pouch adapter for Ember Data Owner: nolanlawson Stars: 281 |
nolanlawson | 281 |
ember-data-elasticsearch-kitAn ember-data kit for pushing and querying objects to Elasticsearch appliance Owner: roundscope Stars: 21 |
roundscope | 21 |
ember-auth-module-ember-dataember-data integration module for ember-auth Owner: heartsentwined Stars: 1 |
heartsentwined | 1 |
ember-data-query-pathOwner: bmac Stars: 8 |
bmac | 8 |
ember-data-hal-adapter API adapter for Ember Data Owner: locks Stars: 31 |
locks | 31 |
ember-localstorage-adapter your ember application data in localStorage. Owner: rpflorence Stars: 465 |
rpflorence | 465 |
ember-localforage-adapter your ember application data in Mozilla's localforage. This project is orginally forked from ember-localstorage-adapter Owner: genkgo Stars: 134 |
genkgo | 134 |
ember-restlessA lightweight data model library for Ember.js Owner: endlessinc Stars: 315 |
endlessinc | 315 |
ember-data-tastypieNew Ember-Data Adapter for the Django Tastypie webservice framework. Owner: anfema Stars: 1 |
anfema | 1 |
ember-data-extensionsExtensions for Ember Data - Adapters, Serializers and Mixins Owner: pixelhandler Stars: 40 |
pixelhandler | 40 |
ember-data-rstyleShim repository for ember-data Owner: rewardStyle Stars: 0 |
rewardStyle | 0 |
ember-data-faker-adapter Ember-data adapter that generates fixtures with Faker.js Owner: xcambar Stars: 3 |
xcambar | 3 |
ember-json-api API adapter for Ember Data. Owner: kurko Stars: 255 |
kurko | 255 |
ember-parse-adapter Ember Data Adapter for Parse Owner: clintjhill Stars: 202 |
clintjhill | 202 |
ember-json-api-daliwali API adapter for Ember Data. Owner: daliwali Stars: 255 |
daliwali | 255 |
ember-parse-adapter-updated-fork Ember Data Adapter for Parse Owner: joshfester Stars: 6 |
joshfester | 6 |
ember-datafied to use and customize data layer for Ember.js Owner: gigafied Stars: 0 |
gigafied | 0 |
ember-frozenAnother Ember data persistence layer Owner: madchicken Stars: 0 |
madchicken | 0 |
ember-orchestrate.io Ember Data adapter for Owner: simonwade Stars: 4 |
simonwade | 4 |
ember-datalightA lightweight data persistence library for Ember with full support of JSON structure Owner: seeden Stars: 2 |
seeden | 2 |
ember-cartodb-adapterEmber Data Adapter for using CartoDB as data persistence layer. Owner: cspanring Stars: 5 |
cspanring | 5 |