Name | Owner | Stars |
toastrtoastr's bower repo Owner: johnpapa Stars: 24 |
johnpapa | 24 |
angular-toastr port of CodeSeven/toastr. Owner: Foxandxss Stars: 1289 |
Foxandxss | 1289 |
mini-toastr toaster notifications Owner: se-panfilov Stars: 97 |
se-panfilov | 97 |
toastr-fa with Font Awesome Owner: dzbo Stars: 0 |
dzbo | 0 |
ionic-toastr for Ionic applications Owner: Paul-Todd Stars: 4 |
Paul-Todd | 4 |
koco-toastrKnockout Component for toastr Owner: cbcrc Stars: 0 |
cbcrc | 0 |
angular-toastr-iml port of CodeSeven/toastr. Owner: shnobyl Stars: 0 |
shnobyl | 0 |
rest-toastr from toastr, modified some styles Owner: antmanler Stars: 0 |
antmanler | 0 |
toastr-stylus javascript toast notifications Owner: neverfox Stars: 0 |
neverfox | 0 |
toastr-font-awesomeUsage of Font Awesome font in toastr Owner: klauzyx Stars: 0 |
klauzyx | 0 |
angular-antoine-toastr alert system based con Foxandxss/angular-toastr Owner: nulpas Stars: 0 |
nulpas | 0 |
lf-angular-toastr angular module wrapper service for Foxandxss angular-toastr Owner: fortesl Stars: 0 |
fortesl | 0 |
angular-toastr-directive directive for jQuery Toastr Owner: lsntomaszw Stars: 0 |
lsntomaszw | 0 |
angular-veasy-toastrOwner: NandoMB Stars: 1 |
NandoMB | 1 |
purescript-toastr wrapper Owner: dbushenko Stars: 2 |
dbushenko | 2 |
angular-toastr-flashFlashing support for Owner: CodeScaleInc Stars: 2 |
CodeScaleInc | 2 |
wangshijun-angular-toastr port of CodeSeven/toastr. Owner: wangshijun Stars: 0 |
wangshijun | 0 |
angular-toastr-exceptionExtends $exceptionHandler service to utilize toastr to show error/success messages Owner: ejdixon13 Stars: 0 |
ejdixon13 | 0 |
mini-tostr toaster notifications Owner: se-panfilov Stars: 97 |
se-panfilov | 97 |
angular-postman Growl/OSX Notification Center/toastr inspired pure-Angular way to do simple, global notifications. Owner: CWSpear Stars: 8 |
CWSpear | 8 |
ngtoast provider for toast notifications Owner: tameraydin Stars: 327 |
tameraydin | 327 |
ngToast provider for toast notifications Owner: deco016 Stars: 0 |
deco016 | 0 |
toasterAngularJS Toaster is a customized version of "toastr" non-blocking notification javascript library. Owner: jirikavi Stars: 1200 |
jirikavi | 1200 |
AngularJS-ToasterAngularJS Toaster is a customized version of "toastr" non-blocking notification javascript library. Owner: jirikavi Stars: 1200 |
jirikavi | 1200 |
angular-notify-toasterAngularJS Toaster is a customized version of "toastr" non-blocking notification javascript library. Owner: jirikavi Stars: 1200 |
jirikavi | 1200 |
ng-toast provider for toast notifications Owner: deco016 Stars: 0 |
deco016 | 0 |
vue-notifications notifications Owner: se-panfilov Stars: 698 |
se-panfilov | 698 |
jquery-toast-plugin highly customizable jquery toast plugin Owner: kamranahmedse Stars: 1515 |
kamranahmedse | 1515 |
notyf dead simple, responsive, vanilla javascript notification plugin. No jQuery required Owner: caroso1222 Stars: 2690 |
caroso1222 | 2690 |
gc-angular-toasterAngularJS Toaster is a customized version of "toastr" non-blocking notification javascript library. Owner: Good-Coders Stars: 0 |
Good-Coders | 0 |