Name | Owner | Stars |
twitter-text Text Libraries. This code is used at Twitter to tokenize and parse text to meet the expectations for what can be used on the platform. Owner: twitter Stars: 3079 |
3079 | |
twitter-text-js Text Libraries. This code is used at Twitter to tokenize and parse text to meet the expectations for what can be used on the platform. Owner: twitter Stars: 3079 |
3079 | |
twitter-text-tweetlength-jsTwitter Text Libraries Owner: tsmd Stars: 1 |
tsmd | 1 |
share-selected-text selected text on twitter, buffer, stumbleupon, digg, tumblr & reddit. Inspired by Owner: VincentLoy Stars: 64 |
VincentLoy | 64 |
selection-sharerMedium like popover menu to share on Twitter or by email any text selected on the page Owner: xdamman Stars: 507 |
xdamman | 507 |
Autolinker.js links URLs, email addresses, mentions (Twitter, Instagram) in a string of text or HTML. Owner: gregjacobs Stars: 1484 |
gregjacobs | 1484 |
jquery-mentions-input is a small, but awesome UI component that allows you to '@mention' someone in a text message, just like you are used to on Facebook or Twitter. Owner: podio Stars: 984 |
podio | 984 |
bootstrap-maxlength plugin integrates by default with Twitter bootstrap using badges to display the maximum lenght of the field where the user is inserting text. Uses the HTML5 attribute "maxlength" to work. Owner: mimo84 Stars: 784 |
mimo84 | 784 |
kattappa block based rich text editor with support of Images, embeds( Youtube, twitter, etc) Owner: brijeshb42 Stars: 98 |
brijeshb42 | 98 |
iwatech-bootstrap-maxlength plugin integrates by default with Twitter bootstrap using badges to display the maximum lenght of the field where the user is inserting text. Uses the HTML5 attribute "maxlength" to work. Owner: IWAtech Stars: 0 |
IWAtech | 0 |
texttweet.js highlighted text via twitter Owner: justmarkup Stars: 9 |
justmarkup | 9 |
quoteme.js, Share to Twitter popup button on text selection Owner: kbariotis Stars: 8 |
kbariotis | 8 |
bootstrap-length-detectorThis plugin integrates by default with Twitter bootstrap using badges to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text. Uses the HTML5 attribute "maxlength" to work. Owner: WebAndCow Stars: 0 |
WebAndCow | 0 |
angular-textshare selected text on twitter,facebook,google+,pinterest,linkedin Owner: Teemr Stars: 0 |
Teemr | 0 |
legoblocksA block based rich text editor with support of Images, embeds( Youtube, twitter, etc) Owner: brijeshb42 Stars: 0 |
brijeshb42 | 0 |